Advanced Valkyrie Helm [Donation – 3 Tokens]
The most advanced Valkyrie helm of all. With a new unique sense of design this is the L33test
- +5 vit, +4 agi, +6 dex, +2 str, +10% dmg against Demi-Human
White Valkyrie Helm [Donation – 2 Tokens]
In the realm of Valkyrie there was a heavenly god of each elemental. Each helm imbued with the power of the element.
- +4 vit, +3 agi, +5 dex, +2 str, Gain the use of lvl 5 Heal
Yellow Valkyrie Helm [Donation – 2 Tokens]
In the realm of Valkyrie there was a heavenly god of each elemental. Each helm imbued with the power of the element.
- + 4 vit, +3 agi, +5 dex, +2 str, Gain use of lvl 5 Lightning Bolt
Black Valkyrie Helm [Donation – 2 Tokens]
In the realm of Valkyrie there was a heavenly god of each elemental. Each helm imbued with the power of the element.
- +4 vit, +3 agi, +5 dex, +2 str, Reduce dmg from Demi-Humans by 10%
Blue Valkyrie Helm [Donation – 2 Tokens]
In the realm of Valkyrie there was a heavenly god of each elemental. Each helm imbued with the power of the element.
- +4 vit, +3 agi, +5 dex, +2 str, Gain use of lvl 5 Ice bolt
Green Valkyrie Helm [Donation – 2 Tokens]
In the realm of Valkyrie there was a heavenly god of each elemental. Each helm imbued with the power of the element.
- +4 vit, +3 agi, +5 dex, +2 str, Gain use of lvl 5 Earth Spike
Red Valkyrie Helm [Donation – 2 Tokens]
In the realm of Valkyrie there was a heavenly god of each elemental. Each helm imbued with the power of the element.
- +4 vit, +3 agi, +5 dex, +2 str, Gain use of lvl 5 Fire Bolt
Shadow Skull Helm
Makes you feel evil.
- +10% dmg against demon class, +5 str, +3 dex
Cat o nine tails cap
With a the cap of the nine tails you feel as sly as a fox
- Reduce casting rate by 5%, +3 int, +2 dex, +2 agi
Dark lord helm
A helm filled with pure evil. Once placed upon the Dark Lord Himself..
- +4 dex, +3 agi, +2 str, Increase resist against shadow property by 10%
Deviling hat
A helm created to look like a deviling itself
- Gives user ability to use lvl 5 Soul Strike, +5 int, +3 dex
Dragon sun helm
A helm from the ancient dragon lore’s of the past.
- +4 int, +3 dex, +2 agi, +20% dmg against dragon type monster
Dragoon helm
A helm solely created for the dragon riders from the dragon lore’s of past.
- +50% dmg against Dragon type monsters, +4 dex, +3 agi
Evil poring hat
An evil poring is a rare sight but an evil poring hat is just crazy!
- +10 flee rate, +5 luk, +3 vit
Angelic Helm
An angelic helm filled with holiness
- +5 vit, +3 int, Gives user lvl 5 Blessing
Hokage Hat
A hat once belonging to a Hokage Ninja himself
- Increase attk speed by 3%, Increase movement speed by 5%, +2 agi, +2 luk
Pirate Hat
Wearing this hat makes you feel like a real pirate! Argh!
- +3 luk, +2 agi, Gives user lvl 5 discount
Skeggiold Cap
Skeggiolds are hard to catch but actually taming one to make a hat is almost impossible!
- 10% chance of auto casting Gloria when being attked, 10% chance of auto casting kyrie eleison when being attked
It’s cool. It’s hip. Lets bring back the 70’s!
-agi + 4, dex + 3, Luk + 2
Angeling Helm
A hat created from a once majestic angeling
- +5 luk, +3 int, Enchants user with Holy element
Black Kaho Horns
Lord Kaho had 5 brothers of from each element. Water, Fire, Nature, Holy, and Evil
-All stats + 4, 10% chance of casting stone curse when physically attacked
Green Kaho Horns
Lord Kaho had 5 brothers of from each element. Water, Fire, Nature, Holy, and Evil
- +4 all stats, Increases attk speed by 15%, Perfect Dodge + 6
Red Kaho Horns
Lord Kaho had 5 brothers of from each element. Water, Fire, Nature, Holy, and Evil
- +10 str, +7dex, Increase all dmg dealt by 10%
White Kaho Horns
Lord Kaho had 5 brothers of from each element. Water, Fire, Nature, Holy, and Evil
- 10% Chance of casting lvl 10 heal on the user when attacking melee, +4 all stats
Blue Kaho Horns
Lord Kaho had 5 brothers of from each element. Water, Fire, Nature, Holy, and Evil
-int + 7, dex + 5, agi + 3, Makes the user immune to freezing
Kaho Horns
Lord Kaho was the 1st of 5 brothers from the elements.
- +6 all stats, 7% increase in HP
Blood Helm
A banished helm that's slowly poison the users soul with corrupted thought’s
- +6 str, +5 vit, 10% dmg against demi-human’s
Twin Feather Hat
A cute & fashion hat, May have some magical powers.
- +10% magic defense, +5 dex, +3 int
Cat Ears
Cute ears from a black cat
- +3 agi, +2 vit
Fox Ears
Ears from an old fox
- +3 agi, +2 luk, Gives user lvl 5 increase agi
Checkered Hat
An awesome Checkered Cap. With this you’ll be 20 times sexier!
- +3 vit, +2 agi, +2 str
With the speed and agility of a samurai this hat makes you feel like a warrior
- +5 agi, +2 str, +3 luk, +2 attk speed
Cygnus Helm
Cygnus helm...Used by a famous Assassin Cross called Loki
- +5% dmg against demi-human, +3 str, +2 agi
Dokebi Hat
Seems as if almost ripped from a Dokebi’s head..
- +1% chance receiving gold from a monster
Elephant Hat
A hat made to look like an elephant
- +3 vit, 10% chance of auto casting safety wall on yourself when being attked
Drooping Nine tail
A cute little ninetailed fox to go wherever you go
- +5 luk, +10% increase against Water
Drooping Lif
A cute little lif to go wherever you go
- +5 luk, +10% increase resist against earth
Drooping Bunny
A cute little bunny to go wherever you go
- +7 luk, +1 attk speed
Drooping Cat
A cute little cat to go wherever you go
- +5 luk, +10% increase resist against nuetral
White Drooping cat
A cute little cat to go wherever you go
- +5 luk, +10% increase resist against Holy
Gray Drooping Cat
A cute little cat to go wherever you go
- +5 luk, +10% increase resist against Dark
Pink Drooping Cat
A cute little cat to go wherever you go
- +5 luk, +10% increase resist against Fire
Yellow Drooping Cat
A cute little cat to go wherever you go
- +5 luk, +10% increase resist against Lightning
Wicked Lily
A strange but peculiar head item
- Immunity to frozen, Increase dmg against Fire Element by 10%, +3 vit
White Magician Hat
This magicians hat makes you feel like a real wizard
- Reduce magic casting speed by 10%, +5 int, +4 dex,
Orc Hero Helm
A headgear bestowed only to true Orc Heroes
- +10% max HP, +5 str, +5 vit, +3 luk
For times when you just need to get what you want out and people will not stfu
- 15% chance of causing silence when attking, 50% increase resist to silence
Spiked Hairband
A simple Hairband but pokey so watch it!
- +2 attk speed, +5 dex
Snow Cap
A cap to keep you warm during the winter
- +2 agi str and vit, +5% water resistance
A beanie meant to keep you warm
- +4 vit, Immunity to frozen, +2% max HP
Blue Beanie
A beanie meant to keep you warm
- +4 vit, Immunity to frozen, +2% max HP
Pink Beanie
A beanie meant to keep you warm
- +4 vit, Immunity to frozen, +2% max HP
Sexy Bao Bao
A sexy Bao Bao made to make you sexier
- 2% chance of auto casting Dazzler when receiving physical attks, +4 dex, +3 agi
Red Bunny Band
A red dyed bunny band, taken from a very rare rabbit
- +5 agi, +3 luk, +10% movement speed
Randgris Helm
The helm that is used by Valkyrie Randgris herself
- +10% Matk, and no cast interruption. But increases SP consumption by 20%
Luxury Hat
A fashionable hat made for the luxurious
- +3 luk, +3 dex, +15 Mgc Def, +10 def
Lucky Irish
Hat filled with the luck of the Irish
- +6 luk, +3 agi, +1str
Mid Head Gears
Death Angel
An angel of death surrounds you with pure hate and evil
- Allows user of lvl 1 Deadly Enchant poison, adds a 0.5% of auto casting “Coma” on the enemy
Hell Hound
Hound blazing with fire..surrounding you giving you maximum strength
- +10 str, +5 dex, +5 agi, +5% dmg against Demi-Human
Holy Angel
A holy angel sent from above to deliver you blessings
- +5% magic Attk, +5% maximum hp, When equipped by a priest class gives a 10% boost on holy light [Holy light deals 10% more dmg]
Nature Surrounding
With this you feel nature is always around you
- +20% hp and sp, +5 vit
Flying Angel Wings [Flapping angel wing headgear]
Alucard Glasses
Once belonging to the legendary vampire Alucard you look through them with new meanings
-vit + 5, str + 2, int + 4
Chii Ears
Ears from the famous anime Chobits
- +1 all stats, 5% chance of auto casting lvl 3 Kyrie Eleison when being hit
Dragon Shenron
A fiery dragon that releases your inner strength
- +5 str, Increase all dmg by 10%
Elemental Ring
A ring filled with a pure aura and enchants
- +5% increase resist to all elements [Water,Fire,Holy,Shadow,Nuetral]
Kakashi Protector
As stealthy as a ninja this head protector once belonging to the legendary Kakashi Sensei
-Gains the use of lvl 3 cloak, +3 agi, +2 str
Romantic Rose
A romantic gentlemen always uses these roses when luring in a lady
- +3 luk, +5 vit, Gives the user lvl 3 discount
Water Dragon
A water dragon from old folk lores meant to protect your family name
- +10% magic attk, +4 int, +5 dex
A ancient device from another planet giving you the power to see behind your opponents strengths
- Gives the user lvl 1 sight, Gives the user to see hidden enemies [Maya purple effect]
Gypsy Bell
Bells of a beautiful gypsy
- Allows use of lvl 5 dazzler, +5 dex, +3 luk
Majora’s Mask
Mask that have Power to manipulate magic
- Mdef +10%, Mgc Attk + 5%
Mystic Mask
A mask filled with mystical powers
- +4 str, +5% movement speed, +1 attk speed
Red Back Ribbon
A pretty red ribbon
-int + 2, dex + 3
Black Back Ribbon
A pretty black ribbon
-int + 2, dex + 3
Wiseman Beard
A beard only old wise men can grow
- +5 int
Twin bunny Ears
Twin bunny ears makes you look soo cute!
- +5 luk, Increase movement speed by 5%, +1 attk speed
Torn Wings [Donation – 1 Token]
Wings torn from a once angelic being.
- +2 all stats
Blue Butterfly wings [Do not need “Torn Wings”]
In the realm of Valkyrie, thousands of butterflys swarmed the realm..With 5 main goddesses of Water,Evil,Fire,Holy,and Earth.
- +3 all stats
Black Butterfly Wings [Do not need “Torn Wings”]
In the realm of Valkyrie, thousands of butterflys swarmed the realm..With 5 main goddesses of Water, Evil, Fire, Holy, and Earth.
+3 all stats
Red Butterfly Wings [Do not need “Torn Wings”]
In the realm of Valkyrie, thousands of butterflys swarmed the realm..With 5 main goddesses of Water,Evil,Fire,Holy,and Earth.
- +3 all stats
White Butterfly Wings [Do not need “Torn Wings”]
In the realm of Valkyrie, thousands of butterflys swarmed the realm..With 5 main goddesses of Water,Evil,Fire,Holy,and Earth.
- +3 all stats
Andromeda Wings
[Description Pending]
- +4 dex, +3 str, +2 luk
Angeling Wings
Majestic wings from an old angeling monster
- User gains the use of lvl 2 Assumptio and asperio, Decreases dmg dealt by 20% against holy type, Increases dmg against Shadow type by 10%
Arc Angel Wings
[Description Pending]
- Increases attk speed by 5%, +6 str, +5 dex, +3 luk
Fallen Angel Wings
[Description Pending]
- Increases all ranged dmg by 10%, Increase dmg dealt by Double Strafe by another 10%
Big Butterfly wings
[Description Pending]
- Decreases magic casting speed by 10%, Increase magic attk by 10%
Mystic Butterfly Wings
Mystical butterfly wings which have an unknown origin
- Nullify the gem stone req for certain spells, +10% magic attk, +5 dex
Cyber Wings
[Description Pending]
- +5 agi, +5 int, Increase Hit rate by 20
Dark Fallen Angel Wings
[Description Pending]
- +5 str, agi, luk
Nature Wings
[Description Pending]
+6 Vit, +5 Int, +5% Matk, +50% Earth Resist
Arcane Wings
[Description Pending]
- User Gains the use of lvl 10 Firebolt, +5 int, +5 dex
Artic Wings
[Description Pending]
- User gains the use of lvl 10 IceBolt, +5 int, +5 dex
Bloody Phoenix Wings
[Description Pending]
- +4 int, +5 dex, User gains the use of Lvl Lord of Vermillion
Blue Fairy Wings
[Description Pending]
- Decrease casting speed by 10%, +6 int, +4 dex, Decreases dmg dealt by Water by 10%
Crystal Wings
[Description Pending]
- Reduce all dmg dealt to you by 10%, +20 def, +5 vit
Demon Wings
[Description Pending]
- +5 str, +4 vit, +25% dmg against demi-humans
Deviling Wings
[Description Pending]
- +3 str, +2 agi, Decreases dmg by Shadow type by 20%, Increases dmg dealt on Holy type by 10%
Red Fairy Wings
[Description Pending]
- Decrease casting speed by 10%, +6 int, +4 dex, Decreases dmg dealt by Fire by 10%
Phoenix Wings
[Description Pending]
- Increases max hp & sp for novice/Super novice by 200%
Gargoyle Wings
[Description Pending]
- +5 str, +5 dex, +3 luk, User has a 15% chance of auto casting stone curse when being attked
Golden Wings
[Description Pending]
+ 7 str, dex, vit, +5% dmg increase against demi-humans
Gemini Wings
[Description Pending]
- Decreases dmg by both holy and shadow type by 25%, Increases dmg dealt to demi-humans by 15%
Green Fairy Wings
[Description Pending]
-Decrease casting speed by 10%, +6 int, +4 dex, Decreases dmg dealt by Earth by 10%
White Angel Wings
[Description Pending]
- +7 int, +6 dex, +5 vit, +5 agi, Gains the use of lvl 10 Heal
Black Angel Wings
[Description Pending]
- +7str, +6 dex, +5 vit, +5 agi, Increase dmg by 10% on demi-human
Retribution Wings
[Description Pending]
- Gains the use of lvl 5 Holy Cross, +5 int, +5 str
Satan Wings
[Description Pending]
- +8 str, +7 luk, +6 vit, Increase maximum hp by 5%
Yellow Fairy Wings
[Description Pending]
-Decrease casting speed by 10%, +6 int, +4 dex, Decreases dmg dealt by Wind by 10%
Trinity Wings
[Description Pending]
- +5 str, +5 vit, Decreases dmg by all elements by 10%, Increases def by 5%
Evil angel wings