Hahaha. Well..Those who know me..Yea..I'm Keithy..The Admin who's idea was to bring you this server ;D
Hehe. Well lets see what do you REALLY wanna know about me? =P Name: Keith Kinsey Wager
Location: Cali
Birthday: September 16 was born in 1990
Age: 17 years old
School: Currently a junior in HS.
Likes: Fooddddd, Musicccc, Sleepppp, My uber comfy bed, Long hot showers, the cold, Driving [power sliding my car yes ftw! or somewhat like drifting >=P], Computer, Games, Working at an ice cream place <3!! lmao
Dislikes: School majorly D:, Doing nothing for a whole day [So hit me up lmao..call meh!], Waking up early, Chores, Hate, Drama, Bishes, And ignorand cock suckers who think theyre all that and think can get away with anything *cough back to calmness cough* LOL Kidding about that part hahah
Little known facts: Was born in Philippines..6 Months before Mt. Pinatubo erupted, Has a short temper [So dnt piss me off], Really frustrated easily, Once starts eating..Hard to stop, I'm really talkative, I get told alot..That I'm adorable and really sweet [I guess so o.o"..Beats me haha], I have a cute laugh I'm told also [Beats me either haha], Anyways I'm also told..Its funny how..I talk in a deep voice then switching to a higher pitched voice, I'm very random..Like rubbing nipples on the window of Ross at 12 at night! LOL
Questions: Feel free to ask me anything.. Heh
Reachable: filipino_rice_003@hotmail.com or Teamspeak which im on when im online