I'll add stat builds and stuff later, needa figure em out for these rates and level caps, I'm a 5~20 rate, 99/70 player usually. Overview: The Lord Knight is a balanced DPS/Tank. Not as specialised as the Paladin as Tank/Support and not as specialised as the Assassin Cross as DPS. On a standard level server a Lord Knight can solo many MvPs by level 95, 90 with good gear, noticeably Orc Hero, Golden Thief Bug, Thanatos (requires a specialised equipment set), Eddga, Cat o Nine Tails, Moonlight Flower (haven't played RO for a while, can't remember any more off the top of my head, will get back to it later)
Increase HP Recovery 10
A very important skill for a Lord Knight. Maxing this is 100% necessary. At level 10 it effectively doubles HP recovery items as well as being required for Tension Relax. Useful for downtime inbetween battles in GvG.
Sword Mastery 1
Level 1 of this is requied to gain access to 2H Sword Mastery
2H Sword Mastery 10
As with IHR it is 100% necessary to max this. At level 10 it gives a bonus 40 pure damage to any 2H attack or skill. It is also required for many Lord Knight skills.
Bash 10
100% necessary to max this. At level 10 it provides your first basic attack skill, and is still used as a LK for bashlock though not often. At level 10 it provides 400% damage and +50 hit at a 15sp cost, it is also required for many LK skills.
Magnum Break 5
Required for LK skills, also somewhat useful to break apart mobs or provide a slight fire damage boost.
Using this deals small PBAoE 1 Range damage with a +10 x SkillLvl hit and enchants your weapon (or hands) with a +20% damage boost for 10 seconds. The element of the damage boost is fire. Has a 30sp cost at all levels.
Provoke 5
Reduces target's DEF and VitDEF but increases target's ATK. Useful against casters, also interrupts. Level 5 is required for several skills.
Endure 3
Gives a period of time where you do not flinch when you receive damage. There is a time limit however, and against monsters there is a hit limit as well. Also increases MDEF by SkillLvl. Level 3 is required for several skills, though I recommend excess points go into this.
Mortal Blow Platinum 1
Gives a 5 x (Floor 0(Bash Level-5)% of stunning an enemy when using bash. 25% at level 10.
HP Recovery While Moving Platinum 1
Gives 25% of normal recovery while moving. Pretty straightforward.
Auto-Beserk Platinum 1
While activated, when HP drops to red (25% and lower) a level 10 provoke effect will be applied onto self. Useful for frenzy though slightly less in other applications as the DEF reduction is very high.
Excess points into anything, though I recommend endure for its MDef bonus.
I will continue later.
Accepting all feedback and criticism.