I'm going to start deleting a buncha crap off other threads..
Which means cough..I'ma delete everything in the intro..
Seriously welcoming doesnt mean spamming other convo's on to it >.>
Now ima watch your posts..
If you really wanna have convo's go to off topic.. please >.>
Where posts dont count.."literally"
Theres too much spam on forums..
Try to limit the amount of spammage on forums..
that means... NO 1 word posts..
NO off topic convo's
NO general chatting about this n that..thats why i made the chat box on main page..
So I'ma be strict on this now..
If its in off topic..I dont care..
Post all you want. xD
But elsewise other threads..
Seriously limit your posts..
I know your bored
and anxiously waiting for Server to get up..
But please were working on everything as fast as we can..
So if you really wanna find something to do..
Entertain yourself..
Play another server temporarily.. [Most of you have my msn..if not filipino_rice_003@hotmail.com ]
Play a new game..
Do something..
Just entertain yourself..
I'm not saying dont go on forums..
I'm saying try to limit your convo's to ONLY on topic postings please..
If you understand and comply to this please post another comment saying that you understand
Thank you..
Filipino rice