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Teamspeak Guide
FilipinoRiceDate: Saturday, 2007-12-08, 2:55 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 175
Reputation: 20
Status: Offline
Well for those who are Teamspeak illiterate well..
Here's the gide for you then ^^.

I will list the following in steps..

1.) Step 1 is to download Teamspeak onto your computer or laptop. Simply go to www.teamspeak.com Where at the top will have a tab called "Downloads". Click that and will come up with various downloads. Depending on how your computer is run depends on your download..But for most of you people you probably run off a type of Windows. So for those Windows users you particularly wanna download the very first download. And for Linux users you will use the 1st download under Linux section. I beleive mac users will use same as windows. that last download is for specific Mac OS type computers..Very different so ignore that one. So pick the one that fits your computer stats..and download..You can either save or run..My case i usually just run..Cuz TS wont take long to download. Unless you might uninstall later and later after install once again..I would choose to run. But you can always save to desktop as i usually do.

2.) Step 2 is to install. This is a fairly simple step unless your computer challenged i will make this part easier for you..Simply after downloading click the icon in where you saved it. Say you saved it on your desktop simply click the teamspeak icon and install it onto your computer. Doesnt matter where as long as you know how to get to it. Installing it shouldnt take too terribly long since its a smaller file and doesnt take up that much room.

3.) Step 3 is to actually run the program itself. After installing you should be able to reach this program either by exploring the folder you placed it or on your desktop or even under your programs listing when you hit the apple key on your keyboard. But just run the program and should come up with a simple box. This is the teamspeak program window. Very simple box to understand and not hard or complicated at all. But for most of you TS might be new to you. So we'll go in depth with each step.

4.) Step 4 is to connect to our TS server which have up and running for you. Up at the top should be a tab called Connect in the upper left. Or basically the tab in the upper left corner. Click that and should bring down a few options such as "Server" or "Quick Connect" What you wanna use is the Quick Connect option. Simply click that and will bring up a smaller box.. Which should say various things as "IP adress/Server name", "Nickname", "Log in name", "Password"...All you need to worry about for those new users of TS is the IP adress. Simply put this into your adress and then connect and if TS server is up you will be able to connect [Dont get us wrong this TS may have down times so if you cannot connect at times..It's either cuz its down or problems]

This is one way to connect to our server this is the other..

Same process but at top instead of quick connect you pick "Connect" which will bring up a tabbed window...at top should have "Local Adress Book" and "Web server list" You wanna click the tab called Web server list...And you search for our server..You can use the "Change Filter" Feature..And look up our server with the word "Asuna" and this should come up in the listing..[And make sure when you search that it is under either "All" or "Clan Servers" Cuz ours is under a Clan server type..not a public due to hackers] After this you wanna double click and use this as the password to get in AsUnA2007. After doing this you can register [See step 5]. Now after registering remember this account and such. You may disconnect and After this you wanna copy our server to your "Local Adress Book" at bottom right corner. Now should come to on your adress book. And after on the right side you Login in as "Registered" and use your registered account which you signed up for! And your on way to continuing these steps!

5.) Step 5 is to register with the server..Which is a fairly simple step..At the top as you did with server..There should be another tab called Self..As being annonymous..You have no rights..So you wanna register so you can be able to talk with your fellow Asuna-RO players. So click the self tab and should bring an option saying "Register with server" You wanna click that. Then will allow you to register a Log in name and Password. I would suggest making your password long and something you can remember [We've been given hints that on TS there are hackers so be warry of the user called "Guest1" ESPECIALLY YOU ADMINS/GM'S] And dont worry those hackers only primarily hack Admin power people..so if your not an Admin/GM tend to ignore that warning..But a longer password does prevent hackers from logging on to your account and such..As with most things..But continuing onwards..After completing your registering..You can log out of the server and then reconnect using your password and login name..This time you can worry about your Nickname..This will be your name that appears as your name in the TS channels...So say my log in is.. "Ilikepie" My nickname will be Filipino Rice..And Filipino Rice will be the nickname you will see me under..So go ahead and log back in filling in all applicable slots

6.) Step 6 is You can change your setting and such on the server..My suggestion is to make it to where your are not using your mic unless pushing a button..This really isnt a hard step either..Go up to the top where the tabs are again..There should be one called "Option" Simply click that and should bring 3 different options such as "Key/Sound Settings" and other 2 options the "Key/Sound Settings" is the only one you wanna worry about for now..So click that and should bring up a box..You can mess with your output settings [This will change how loudly your hear others] or even mess with your Voice activation [This changes how loud you have to speak into microphone] but to change how you talk through using a button there should be something called "Push button to speak" You wanna use that..There should be another button to the right of it saying "Set" Click that and set a button to push to speak..I usually use left ctrl button cuz there is no real function when playing ro with that button. And after setting the button you wish to use..You can save your settings and head back to the main channels.

After all this your should be setup and ready to speak. As being a registered user on the TS channel you should be able to speak automatically. Most of our GM/Admin staff SHOULD BE USING THIS PROGRAM [This is a hint to those admins/GM's havent already] and we'll always be available to talk to whenever were on.

We have seperate simple rules to using TS but..You should all follow them..

1.)Limit cursing..
2.) Rudeness is not tolerated..so inappropriate subjects should be limited
3.) If you wish to talk to someone alone I'll set up seperate channels for those who wish to be in a private channel
4.) When you wish to speak to a GM..Send a msg to a GM/Admin online and they will bring you into a private room and respect them!
5.)If you go afk or [Away from Keyboard] Please use one of the AFK channels we have setup

Final Comments:
If you wish to have a private channel for your guild..I will gladly set one up for you but i need proof you'll use it..
so in order me to set one up for you i need the following..

1.) Proof of active members on TS..[at least 5+ users on TS from your guild]
2.) Give me a password which only your guildmembers or selected few will know..
3.) Name of guild

Not many criteria but i need at least those..
If you wish me to setup a channel for you..
email me at: filipino_rice_003@hotmail.com

Created and typed by: Filipino Rice

Added (2007-11-30, 12:38 Pm)
And thank Schokobeker for the TS server.
Schoko set it up for us so be sure to give credit to schoko

Added (2007-12-08, 2:55 Pm)
This guide was edited by me..
I added the other way to connect [See step 4]
I realized with a Password your unable to login using quick connect.
So follow those steps instead. and after registering you may be able to use "Quick Login"

Message edited by FilipinoRice - Saturday, 2007-12-08, 2:54 PM
RobertDate: Friday, 2007-12-21, 0:25 AM | Message # 2
Group: Members
Messages: 13
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I've tried to get on Keith but it seems to be down for now. Possibly the host is having technical difficulties?
EtnaDate: Friday, 2007-12-21, 0:32 AM | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 116
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
Robert, the TeamSpeak server is currently offline. Check Schokobeker's sig for reference.

RobertDate: Friday, 2007-12-21, 1:04 AM | Message # 4
Group: Members
Messages: 13
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Mmm....my apologies for not reading properly then.
SchokobecherDate: Friday, 2007-12-21, 6:22 AM | Message # 5
Group: Removed

My Whole Root is down during a HDD Crash..it will be up sometime..(this or next week)
Iam loosing money cause i earned like 40€ a month with the websites on it ._.
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