So, as most people are already aware, I have a deviantART account. While browsing on JollyJack's page, I saw his response to someone's hate mail that was ever so nicely posted as a deviant review. Being curious, I had to read it. It was the most ridiculous garbage I've seen posted on deviantART just short of the dip shit who tried to plagiarize my art. For those as curious as myself, feel free to read the "review" seen here: FUCKING JERK by ~TheM-Man as well as the flood of flaming and other comments.
My point in posting this was to show not only his stupidity but just how badly I tore this guy a new hole. I really do hope you get a kick out of this.
First off, I'd like to say that you are quite the hateful person, and I would like to know if you are in possession of any of weapons, and where you live so I won't be in the mall when you go ape-shit after seeing a girl wearing cat ears at Hot Topic and start killing people in a fit of angst-y furry-hating rage.
But let me get this straight here. Not only are you acting like a little kid, you seem to think using capital letters and the word "fuck" multiple times will get your point across better? You've accomplished nothing in this little rant of yours other than prove how ignorant you are.
The fact that you were not only emo enough to write an entire spiel about it is bad enough, but that you posted it as a deviation is just beyond me. Is your little bitch-fest really that important to you? I wouldn't be surprised to find out you took your "stainless steel flick knife" and cut yourself like the whiny piss ant you are while writing about it on Myspace too and maybe took the time to copy and paste it to your Facebook, LiveJournal and Xanga, so all four of your friends can see it, too.
If you don't like someone's work, you don't have to look at it - like they say: "Different strokes for different folks". No one has pressed the barrel of your ".44 Magnum" to your head to make you look at J.J's comics or artwork. It's a simple thing called "Ctrl+ SHIFT+W".